This week I managed a session with the light in my front hallway, mentioned last week. Below is a chronological tracking of this painting, which was started back in October. Sometime during Daylight Saving and Winter this light phenomenon disappeared, but it is back in full force between 7-9am right now.

I also continued work on the self-portrait started last week and started a charcoal drawing.
Additionally, I started an new painting of the light coming into my studio window mid-morning. I am excited about the idea of painting over old paintings right now, but allowing some remnants to show through. I also did a small, 5" x7" study of my legs, feet and one hand. In acknowledgement that I could use some work on painting/drawing hands and feet, I am trying to do more studies that involve solving that problem from life.
Finally on Friday, I visited MOCA Jacksonville and the Cummer Musuem with my BA Portfolio class. It was a wonderful trip. The MOCA has a fantastic Rackstraw Downes painting, as seen below, the edges are really gorgeous.

Here is the crew, stading in Nicola Lopez's installation A Gentle Defiance of Gravity and Form.

I also continued work on the self-portrait started last week and started a charcoal drawing.

Here is the crew, stading in Nicola Lopez's installation A Gentle Defiance of Gravity and Form.