Friday, February 15, 2013

Remember Where We Parked

I am very happy to share the installation shots of Remember Where We Parked, the show closed yesterday at Florida School for the Arts at St. Johns River State College. It was a fantastic show and I would like to give a special thanks to Sarah Alexander, the gallery director, for making it possible.

Here are several close-ups of pieces completed over the winter break for the show:
Sleep Now #1, 16" x 20", oil on canvas, 2013
Sleep Now #2, 16" x 20", oil on canvas, 2013
Sleep Now #3, 16" x 20", oil on canvas, 2013
The Deep End,  24" x 24", oil on canvas, 2013

TS 158 (somehow I missed this number a while back)
TS 169
TS 170 
TS 171 
TS 172
Finally, this painting was deemed "finished" for the show and is definitely NOT. Let it be known that no painting is safe upon arrival at home!